Monday, November 10, 2008

Diet Time Again

That is what is new at my house. I am on a diet. But first all the motivating factors.....

Number 1: My blood pressure. I know that for my health that I need to lose weight. When I lose weight my blood pressure goes down.....

Number 2: Barrett is coming home December 22. We are leaving December 24 to the Dominican Republic for a week's vacation. Do we know how to get his undivided attention??????

Number 3. Dominican Republic. I can hardly wear a thing in my closet and what I do wear I look awful in. It is either new jeans or a diet.....

So the diet won. I think I am motivated for this one. I joined LA Weight Loss because I am very unmotivated to do it by myself. I have to pay money and weigh in to stick to the diet. I know I am weak... I have been doing great., Started last Tuesday and have already lost 13 pounds exactly. Don't get too excited. I have been carrying a lot of water lately....which doesn't help the blood pressure either. I haven't really been hungry though so that is absolutely awesome.

Brooke and I signed up to go to the cannery. She has wanted to go forever and could never go in Idaho because her ward only went during the day. Bree couldn't go but we did her dried food for her. We had a great time and it isn't bad at all. We were done and out in 1 hour and 15 minutes.

I got my Canadian passport......... I became a Canadian citizen last June. So I finally got my passport. My Canadian citizenship card picture was pitifully ugly and the immigration people at the airport encouraged my to get it. I put it on my list and got it done. I did not give up my American citizenship. I am now dual......just like my kids....

I planted by amaryllis bulb..from last year. Just to see if I can get it to grow again. I kind of like gardening..... It was so cool last Christmas to see it grow. Bree and I had a contest to see whose would bloom first. I really can't remember who won.

We are getting excited to have Barrett home. Did I tell you that my grandbabies are the cutest things ever?????? I just love them a lot...........Now if we could just get Greyson to stop spitting up on our very nice rug....


Bree Johnson said...

I won I won- not that I'm competative or anything.. this post made me laugh so hard- you are a great writer! sorry about my child and his spit up-and thanks for canning for me- I would've payed big bucks to see you in a hair net :)

Bree Johnson said...

oh and you make me sick 13 pounds!- I've still only lost 4! grrrrrrr

Ashley Dawn said...

Wow, good for you. Weight loss, Barrett coming home, Dominican Republic and all your grandbabies. Life seems to be going your way!!