Sunday, October 19, 2008


We got a email from Barrett this week that is way to funny not to post.....He got to cut the cord and everything. The dad freaked out and didn't do a thing.... Good thing he got his eagle scout and had first aid training......LOL

hey whats up daddy o? well did mom tell you how i am doctor johnson now instead of elder Johnson?? yah the baby wanted to come out when I’m teaching about Jesus. freak I’m teaching and she says my water broke and I say you should go to the hospital and the husband says oh I’ll call 911 and leaves but he only speaks Spanish and leaves the mother there and she can’t move and the baby starts coming and she popped out a baby while i was there and i was the only one who spoke English to talk to the ambulance and doctor guy too and I got nasty stuff all over the place. it is nasty. soooo yah awkward. and the baby came out and I had to grab it and it was nasty and bloody… and nasty. but yeah life. anyway. I ruin a white shirt and a tie lol and white shirts are like gold. I don’t want to have kids anymore. So ya experience of the week. We are teaching some people alot just need them to come to church. we have alot of people to teach just we need more. we are having a baptism this Saturday of stephanie. lol. oh freak. well yah. anyway I should probably go. talk to yah later. love yah byeElder johnson


kwgirl said...

Ok, WAY TOO FUNNY! Esp love the part where birth is nasty and he's not going to have kids anymore...that's why the women do! men would have 1 baby and figure out a way to never do it again!

Ashley Dawn said...

That's hilarious. I totally laughed when he said he doesn't want to have kids anymore. The scary thing is that we women don't learn. Why do we do it to ourselves more than once??

megan said...

Great story!!! He is going to have a great homecoming talk. Noah didn't believe me when I told him the story. I didn't think white shirts would be so hard for him to buy in the states. way too funny!!!

The Nutt House said...

Gotta love Barrett. Some things would only happen to him. Sounds Like when he returns ,he doesn't plan on going into pre-med or anything like that. LOL Can't wait for him to be home. This one tops the burnig socks or taking one for the team.

LFC said...